As Christians, we claim to have love in our hearts for the Lord and others yet we want nothing to do with you if you're "different" or if you don't think like we do, act like we do, talk and walk like we do, worship like we do, attend the same church as we do, patronize the shops that we do, pray like we do, sing like we do, believe like we do, etc.
I find it very hard to tolerate the hypocrisy in the churches. I have read comments on facebook from many people, even pastors, who make fun of people, even the president and say things like they want him dead. How are we suppose to win souls for the Lord when we are so two-faced? People can see right through that.
You absolutely have the right to feel the way you feel or think the way you think but what you DON'T have the right to do is treat others poorly and disrespectfully and wish them ill or even worse just because they are different than you or don't agree with you. Why can't we just respectfully agree to disagree without having to call each other names, yell, or and have hate in our hearts?
If we truly are Christians, we should be able to disagree with others yet still have compassion and kindness in our hearts unlike the Westboro Baptist Church folks. They couldn't be any more mean spirited because God hates NO ONE! He died for us, he loves us all! He may not like what we do or some of the choices we make but he loves us!
We all could learn a lot from the following word:
Tolerance...a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. A fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.
Interest in and concern for ideas, opinions, practices, etc., foreign to one's own.
Have a great day...EVERYONE!!!!
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