My husband and I have been married for going on 27 years and have known each other for well over 29. We have two grown children, a home, and many other blessings.
Our married life is as one. There is no his and's ours.
Everything we own from our home to our vehicles to every account we in both our names.
We do not have any separate accounts...PERIOD! We are two people who came together as one and that's how we have lived our married life.
So why is it that when I call about a bill or a credit card statement that is in both our names for some reason the representative ALWAYS tells me that she cannot talk to me. She needs to talk to the primary account holder. BULL! If my name is on the account (which it is) regardless of whether it is primary or secondary I should be able to get my questions answered without having to go through hoops. I have the authority to handle these accounts just like my husband does!
This makes me furious! I guess they have no trouble accepting the checks that I send with MY signature on them but when it comes to answering a question that I have regarding the account..."Oh No!" "They can't talk to me!"
Listen, my husband has called every account holder that we have and told them that both he and I are equal account holders and that I have should have the absolute right and authority to make changes, ask questions, add to, take away, whatever is deemed necessary on my part to our accounts.
We both have participated in this marriage equally and we both have contributed over the years and we both have equal power so get over it!
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